What we do

The way we work with organisations is driven by an emphasis on systemic and transformational change.

Our Approach

We focus on:

  • collaborative working (taking a relational approach)
  • diving deep and getting to the roots (unpacking root causes)
  • building bridges and breaking silos (coalescing teams around shared goals)
  • offering bespoke solutions (tailoring approaches and solutions to individual needs)
  • making a lasting impact (challenging the status quo, taking a long-term view)

Our Services

Strategy development and coaching

We deliver strategic coaching to help you assess where you are, help you review your organisational plans, and work with you to develop a bespoke strategy that articulates where you will like to go with your ambition.

Organisational change and development

We offer organisational change, development and alignment support to help you review structures, navigate a shifting identity,  and manage change effectively.

Research and evidence synthesis

We undertake research, analysis and evidence synthesis (including participatory research with people of lived experience) to inform programmes, donor communication or advocacy for the policy shifts and reforms you hope to see.

Project or programme frameworks and modality

We help plan, conceptualise, review and design effective projects and programme modality and frameworks that align to your core vision, are feasible to deliver and achieve maximum impact.

Impact and learning frameworks, assessments and evaluations

We assist you in developing your organisational theory of change, impact frameworks and methodologies to help you measure the impact of your work and communicate your impact story well.

Catalytic Partnership working and collaboration

We assist you in making the most of partnership and collaboration spaces, harness mutual synergies, drive greater impact and share best practices so you and your partners can more of a difference together.

Sustainability and grant funding

We work with you to clarify and review your organisation’s aspirations, goals and positioning so you can maximise your chances of securing grant funding appropriate to your needs, and sustain momentum.

At Co-creating Futures, through the various services we offer, our aim is to help organisations develop conducive structures, motivated teams, evidence-based strategies and support effective programmes and policy. To see some testimonials and what others have said about our work, please look at our home page.

Our Projects

REACH Community Projects

Co-creating Futures is working with REACH Community Projects to deliver a ‘Strategic Support Project’ to help REACH consolidate its strategy and achieve its ambition in 2024 and beyond. The aims of this project delivered through a series of full-day workshops, are three-fold:

  • To consolidate REACH’s strategy and unpack its implication for the wider service and programmatic portfolio
  • To ensure strategic alignment with wider externally-focused priorities, such as partnership development and sustainability
  • To guide the process of organisational development and change to ensure the sustainability of REACH’s overall ambition
Cambridge City Foodbank

Co-creating Futures has been providing strategic facilitation support to lead a ‘Volunteer Learning Project’ to allow Cambridge City foodbank to understand where the current strengths, gaps, needs and opportunities within its volunteer programme are, and how they might build on and grow their volunteer programme, arguably a key pillar in their future success. The project is being delivered through a systematic mixed method research project involving surveys, interviews, workshops and secondary documentation analysis. The aims of this project are threefold:

  • Reviewing the strengths and areas of enhancement for the volunteer programme of Cambridge City Foodbank, and its alignment with their strategic ambition
  • Re-envisioning the volunteer programme, how it might be refreshed, and scoping together with the volunteer base, the strategic ambition for where they want to go
  • Articulating the design and framework of a refreshed volunteer programme that will help Cambridge City Foodbank to deliver their strategic ambition.
Policy Support

Co-creating Futures is delivering a series of strategic facilitation and coaching sessions on a ‘Policy Support Project’ with a charity with the aim to:

  • support the development of a strategic action plan and framework, as aligned to the wider charity strategy
  • guide the development of an impact framework for policy
  • guide the development a sustainability and resourcing plan for policy work.

Co-creating Futures is working with Trussell to help maximise the impact of Person-centred journey approaches across their food bank community, in support of their vision to end the need for food banks in the UK.

The aim of the ‘Person-centred Financial Inclusion Services Project‘ is to engage with 10-12 food banks across the UK to develop a good working knowledge of how they have used the person-centred lens in FI and generate a pool of helpful case studies, audio and video accompaniments and worked examples. The project outcomes will show how food banks have placed the person at the centre, focusing specifically on designing and/or enhancing their financial inclusion journeys, experiences and outcomes, ultimately with the goal of enabling more people to access the advice and ensuring that fewer people fall through the gaps.

In addition to showcasing the varied work of the food bank community, the project will facilitate a learning and reflective process in the context of a person-centred approaches for designing and delivering financial inclusion services.

Values Support

Co-creating Futures is delivering an ‘Affirming our Ethos Project’ involving a workshop for a charity team to come together to develop a values-based framework, and reaffirm their values and beliefs as an organisation.

The project will also be helping them assess how they might align and adjust their embedded ways of working so, they could live their values well and integrate them in diverse aspects of their work, with the aim to deliver lasting community change.

If you would like to know more about how we work, and book a free no obligation one hour consultation session, get in touch!