Making lasting change happen. Together.

We live in an era where increasing number of individuals and families are grappling with basic needs, service access and unforeseen crisis, poverty is increasingly multi-dimensional, the climate is under threat and policies often inadequate. Charities and environment and development-focused organisations are on high alert, working tirelessly and continually responding in their communities. Keeping pace organisationally and strategically with the fast evolving context while also shaping and influencing the wider systems and spaces around us is challenging. It is in this context that Co-creating Futures is born.

At Co-creating Futures, we would like to work together with charities and other organisations doing social and environmental good to reimagine futures where communities flourish. We believe in helping organisations realise their dreams and harness their full potential. We believe in offering continuity of support and a space for organisations to reflect on their evolving identities and anchor themselves more strongly in who they are and where they want to go.

We bring astute insight backed by a couple of decades of solid experience across the spaces of strategy, policy, programmes, research and impact so organisations working in development and environmental spaces can deliver transformative change.

We believe in the power of collaboration and collective energy, the whole being greater than the sum of parts and how teams and organisations working together can make more of a difference, and collectively and sustainably change the status quo on deeply embedded issues such as urban poverty, food security, mental health, climate resilience and more.

Through combining focus with flexibility, passion with empathy, active listening with doing, and a people-centred approach, we enable organisations to have a lasting impact on the lives of the most vulnerable children, families and communities.

Will you join us on this journey?


Strategy and Organisational Change

It has been great to collaborate with Co-creating Futures. Working with Nidhi on our strategy both in her previous capacity at Trussell Trust and now, is such a joy ─ her gentle probing, her encouragement and her amazing insight. We always look forward to meetings with Nidhi, and we are certainly under no illusion that we’re in for an easy ride!  We come away from our sessions with Nidhi with more questions than answers, but the reality is that REACH has, and is becoming a far more effective organisation with a clearer focus for lifting families out of hardship. I really can’t thank Nidhi enough for her incredible input over the last 2+ years!

Henry Wilson MBE

Strategy Development and Research

Nidhi provided Pathfinder guidance to our charity to support its future development. I was impressed with her sharp strategic focus and her ability to articulate order out of chaos! Specifically, the Volunteer Learning Research Project carried out by Co-creating Futures provided a rich resource of insight and information to support our programme of change over the next 12 months, achieved through a wide variety of survey, interviews, focus groups and systems analysis. The project delivery demonstrated a real valuing of our precious volunteer workforce, highlighting areas of success alongside current frustrations and areas lacking clarity. The proposed 5-pillars of change have created a focus for the change process and enabled trustees to invest in new resources to deliver the change.

Steve Clay

Policy, Research and Partnerships

It was my great pleasure to work alongside Nidhi at the Coalition for Urban Transitions. Nidhi was responsible for translating a global body of evidence on national urban policy into a programme of policy advice and technical assistance in four countries: China, Ghana, Mexico and Tanzania. Nidhi built strong relationships with partners in each country, empowering and resourcing them to deliver high-quality and locally-appropriate support while ensuring alignment and linkages with the Coalition’s global messages and networks.

Sarah Colenbrander
Director, Climate and Sustainability Programme / Overseas Development Institute

Impact and Evaluation

Nidhi’s expertise in evaluation and participatory research in development runs deep. A strategic thinker, she’s skilled at getting to the heart of the issue and asking the right questions to find the best solutions. I have worked with Nidhi on a number of international programme evaluation projects, and am always so impressed with her clarity of thinking, her ability to find her way through swathes of information to draw out critical insights and – perhaps most importantly –  her unending passion for making sure her work delivers real impact for real people. 

Arani Mylvaganam
Head of Intelligence / Think Consulting Solutions

Programme Design and Management

Nidhi adopts a positive and energetic approach to getting things done, and shows high integrity both in her work and leading teams. She has demonstrated expertise in the design and delivery of complex programme such as the UKAid funded multi-country programme, BRACED. When managing tasks and workstreams, Nidhi adopts an inclusive, transparent and facilitative management style. Nidhi has both lived and worked in a wide range of countries and geographies, in Asia, Africa and Europe. She is a strong communicator with high-level interpersonal skills, allowing her to interact effectively with individuals across all organizations, hierarchical levels, and cultural settings, and has extensive experience in training and capacity building having designed and delivered programmes for the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies.

Katherine Cooke
Principal Consultant / Oxford Policy Management

Programme, Policy and Impact

I had the pleasure of working with Nidhi as a member of the Programme and Policy team at Save the Children UK. Nidhi was driven and astute in her advisory work with East Africa, Bangladesh and Nepal country programmes supporting them with programme design, review, implementation, and policy influencing. She showed genuine passion for organisational change and impact, and excellent leadership skills as the acting head of her team.

Mavis Owusu-Gyamfi
Former Director of Programme, Policy and Quality, Save the Children UK / President & CEO, African Centre for Economic Transformation

Strategic Support and Organisational Change

In my capacity as CEO at Greenwich Foodbank, I had the pleasure of consulting with Nidhi on the development of our new strategy.  In a time of huge transition for our charity Nidhi’s guidance and discernment was invaluable. Nidhi fitted into our team seamlessly and brought unending positive energy to the process. In her time with us, Nidhi struck a perfect balance of a listening, empathetic ear and a caring, critical friend.  We are thankful to Nidhi for all she did with and for us at Greenwich Foodbank.

Jamie Ginns
Strategic Lead (formerly CEO) / Greenwich Foodbank

Learning, Evaluation and Organisational Change

The project Nidhi from Co-creating Futures ran for us was carefully designed and planned; and sensitively and professionally delivered with clear, detailed and very helpful conclusions. She has a very collaborative and inclusive style and is extremely personable. She was very accommodating, always willing to go the extra mile for us. I would heartily recommend using her services.

Stephen Thornton CBE
Chair of Trustees, Cambridge City Foodbank / Former CEO, NHS Confederation and The Health Foundation